


  • 公司: 广州誉雅家具有限公司
  • 地址: 广东 广州 广州 番禺区 钟村镇钟二村第三工业区尖毛岗11号
  • 联系: 曾先生
  • 手机: 18926120598
  • 电话: 020-61952122
  • 一键开店

广州市誉雅家具有限公司是一家专业生产玻璃转盘酒店家具为主的现代化企业。公司拥有一套完善的现代化生产设备和技术储备,致力成为中国玻璃转盘行业的者。专业化的生产经验,系列化的产品,极具竞争优势的多层次价格,运送快捷,保用期长的经营特色,赢得客户的高度赞誉。 本公司用料考究,工艺精湛,生产全过程包括全金属切削,酸洗,磷化,通过无尘喷漆、烤漆处理,进行一条龙自引生产。玻璃采用多种工艺 制作:电脑移印、镀镜、夹丝、电脑车花、雕花、打砂喷漆等。公司设计生产的产品既潮流又具鲜明特色,款式新颖独特。 广州市誉雅家具有限公司将秉承“品质至上,服务至上”的经营宗旨,不断创新,以质量取信誉,为新老客户提供更优质的产品和服务,携手共创辉煌。 Guangzhou YuYa Furniture Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of the hotel furniture specially in glass turntable. With its complete set of modern production equipment and technical reserves, Yuya strives to be the leader in the glass turntable industry. Moreover, Yuya has won the highly praise from customers for its professional production experience, serialized products, highly competitive and multi-level prices, quick shipping, and the operating characteristics of the long period warranty. Yuya uses superior materials and special workmanship. We make it in one-stop production during the whole process which including all-metal cutting, pickling, phosphorus, Dust-free spray paint, and paint handling. The Glass is used a variety of technology in the production process, such as computer controlled painting, mirror pad-plated, nipping silk, computer controlled cutting flowers shap, carved, sand painting and so on. All our designed products are both trend with distinctive characteristics and unique style. Guangzhou Yu Ya Furniture Co., Ltd. is adhering to its business purpose of "both quality and service are the first". The continueously innovation and best quality wins more reputation. To provide the better products and services for new and old customers. Let's create a mutual brilliant future.



  • 主营: 玻璃转盘,酒店家具,宴会家具,酒店布草
  • 地址: 广东 广州 广州 番禺区 钟村镇钟二村第三工业区尖毛岗11号
  • 联系: 曾先生
  • 手机: 18926120598
  • 电话: 020-61952122
  • 本站共被浏览过 603 次

