


  • 公司: 肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司
  • 地址: 深圳市龙岗区平湖街道华南城华利嘉电子市场西1门2C071号
  • 联系: 王小姐
  • 手机: 15626565226
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2020-02-15 03:48:01  294次浏览 次浏览
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Below information is for all applicants reference only and it is just a brief of the audit’s introduction which is base on client’s requirements, it is designed for your preparation with regard to the audits. It doesn’t mean you just need to provide below information for the auditors, auditors may require more documents/information according to actual situation during the audit.


Higg Index FEM background


SAC is a non-profit organization founded in 2011, covering apparel, footwear and home textile industries. SAC has more than 200 members, including brands and manufacturers, retailers and government organisations, trade organisations, non-profit organisations, universities and service providers such as SGS.

In 2013, SGS have formed strategic partnership with SAC as a member of the Steering Technical Committee. Meanwhile, we directly involved in the development of Higg V2 &V3 content and verification protocol as well as steering convergence of Chemical Management for Higg v3. Besides, we were the technical reviewer for the new “How to Higg Manual” and Higg v3 verifier training content.

The vision of SAC is to establish a standard tool to measure sustainability performance for the industries. Higg Index is a suite of self-assessment tools, Higg FEM is just one of them, with practical, qualitative questions to assess the environmental performance of sustainable development, pushing manufacturers to improve. A verified module by the qualified verifier can improve the trust of the supply chain and customers. Higg FEM has released version V3 in Nov. 2017. SAC


有超过200个会员,包含: 品牌和制造商,零售商和政府组织,贸易组织,非盈利机构,大学,服务商如:SGS

2013年,作为指导技术委员会的成员,SGS与SAC形成战略伙伴关系。同时,我们直接参与了Higg V2和V3内容和verification草案的开发,并引导了Higg V3化学管理的整合。此外,我们是新“How to Higg Manual”和

Higg V3 verifier培训内容的技术审稿人。

SAC致力于建立一个测量可持续发展绩效的标准工具,Higg Index

是一套自我评估工具,Higg FEM 只是其中一个工具,用实践性的、定性的问题去评估环境可持续发展的表现,从而推动制造商去改善。经由认可的评审员验证的Higg Index评估可提升供应链系统及客户信任度。Higg FEM


Update of V3


1) Compared with V2, the most significant change of 7 parts in V3 is the chemical management part, which is the integration of ZDHC, OIA and SAC chemical management V3相对于V2,7个部分变化的是化学品管理部分,它是ZDHC,OIA和SAC化学品管理的整合

2) Applicability test in water use, wastewater, air emissions, chemical management sections


3) Level 1 must be achieved to unlock level 2 &3 必须达到level 1才能解锁level 2 &3 的问题点

udit Type


1) Higg FEM verification is according to SAC Standard. Higg FEM审核依据的是SAC制定的审核标准

2) Higg FEM verification is conducted on announced basis Higg FEM审核是均为事先通知的审核

; 3) there will be a verified assessment after the verification, the factory has the option to post it Higg FEM审核终出具一份verified assessment,由工厂自主选择公布

Audit Scope


All areas under the same business license of the audited facility will be covered.


Audit Contents


1) Environmental Management System 管理系统

2) Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions 能源和温室气体

3)Air Emissions 废气

4) Water Use 用水

5) Wastewater 废水

6) Waste Management 废物管理

7) Chemicals Management 化学品管理

There are level 1, level 2, level 3 in all 7 parts. Level 1 must be achieved to unlock level 2 &3. 每个部分都分level 1,level 2, level 3。完成level 1才能解锁level 2&3.

Main Audit Method


1) Management staff interview管理人员访谈

2) On-site observation现场审核

3) Document review文件审核

4) Key person interview关键人员访谈

MD structure


1) Size of the facility (No of workers) 考虑工厂人数

2) Complexity Categories of Environmental Aspects, based on three levels (high, medium, low). Is there any chemicals used? Is there any Industrial wastewater? Is there any onsite treatment facility? Is there any facility with air emissions?


Information provided for quotation


1)Factory name–中英文<

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